<<          SELECTED WORKS          >>

Why Don't You Call Me? (Madonna)
Holz, Metallgitter, Betonmasse, mit Neongas gefüllte Glasrohre, Kabel, Transformator / wood, metal grid, cement compound, with neon gas filled glass tubes, cabel, transformer
161 x 18 x 166 cm

© Trevor Lloyd

Be Mine (Till End of Time)
Holz, Plastikgitter, Betonmasse, Neonschrift, Kabel, Transformator / wood, plastic grid, cement compound, neon writing, cabel, transformer
231 x 16 x 146 cm

I Don't Like It Here (James Dean)
Holz, Zement, Glasrohre gefüllt mit Neongas, Stahlrahmen, Kabel, Transformator / wood, cement, glass tubes filled with neon gas, cabel, transformer
105 x 13 x 151 cm

I Don't Like People Here (James Dean)
Holz, Zement, mit Neongas gefüllte Glasrohre, Stahlrahmen, Kabel, Transformator / wood, cement, with neon gas filled glass tubes, cabel, transformer
105 x 13 x 151 cm

Why Don't You Just Enjoy It? (Kurt Cobain)
Holz, Metallgitter, Betonmasse, Neonschrift, Kabel, Transformator / wood, metal grid, cement compound, neon writing, cabel, transformer
156 x 18 x 171 cm